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Wanted : Move child issues to another issue

Posted: 16 Sep 2005, 01:05
by Guest
Hi all...

We often use an issue to represent project milestones, and assign the required issues as children. If not all the issues make that milestone, how can we bulk move a selection of them to be children of another milestone issue? The current ability to add or delete one related issue at a time gets very cumbersome.

So my question is, what would be the feasibility of adding a checkbox beside each related issue in the list, and providing "Delete" and "Move" options for these bulk operations?


Posted: 16 Sep 2005, 01:06
by djcarr
hmm, i wasn't logged in... the previous post is mine. Cheers.

Posted: 16 Sep 2005, 11:59
by Narcissus
At the moment you can filter on a particular relationship, so it would be quite simple to just filter that relationship then select all (easier than adding checkboxes and you ticking each appropriate one).

The slightly harder thing to do would be adding a group function of 'create relationship'. I say 'slightly harder' as it really is quite simple to do.

So short answer: yes, it would be extremely feasible to implement this functionality. Whether the dev team would want to add that, I don't know, but you could very easily do it yourself.

Posted: 19 Sep 2005, 02:37
by djcarr
Yes, using the existing filters is a good idea and does make sense.

You would also need a group function of some sort to remove the old relationship - a dialog requesting an issue number, and then all relationships within the selected issues towards that issue are removed.

Thanks for the suggestions, cheers!


Posted: 22 Feb 2006, 00:07
by djcarr
Hi all,

I just wanted to advise that I've implemented a solution :

- an option "Set New Parent" added to combobox in "View Issues" page
- after selecting issues (checkboxes) and hitting OK, next page loads
- on this page, can enter an issue number for the new parent
- all previous child-of relationships for these issues are deleted
- all issues are assigned child-of the new parent issue

It's a bit crude but suits our needs. If anyone wants the code, I'm happy to attach the relevant files with the changes clearly marked.

Please do attach

Posted: 22 Apr 2006, 01:42
by jinside

Please do attach your modifications. I am interested how you did it. I am about to have the same problem.



Posted: 24 Apr 2006, 15:02
by vboctor
djcar, it would be great if you can submit your implementation as a patch in the bugtracker. We can then integrate it into Mantis after doing any nececssary re-work / cleanup.

Mantis Blog

attached to bugtracker

Posted: 04 May 2006, 01:04
by djcarr
Hi guys,

I've attached the implementation here :

It's not intended as a patch for the Mantis codebase, it's just a modification that worked for me and I'm making it available for some people who requested it. You're of course welcome to any or all of it :)

Re: Wanted : Move child issues to another issue

Posted: 16 Jan 2008, 09:37
by Boesman

I must admit I not a good coder but I really need this feature. Tried to make it work on version 1.0.8 without success. I followed djcarr's instruction on issue 6446. copied strings into english language file but i am getting the following error: Fatal error: main(): Failed opening required '' (include_path='.:/usr/share/pear') in /var/www/html/mymantis2/bug_actiongroup_page.php on line 59

when clicking on OK after i have selected a couple of issues.

please help,
